Legal Notice

aar-naval ltd.

engineering consultants, dealing with sea technology, special pressure vessels, mechanical strength computing and structure construction


Holger Steffen, Schlott 1, D-24876 Hollingstedt, Germany

Registered Office:

69 Great Hampton Street
B18 6EW
United Kingdom

Registered at Companies House in Cardiff
Company No. 5569138
United Kingdom

Registered at Amtsgericht Flensburg
Registration No. HRB 5530FL

Tax payer's account number: 2325 02524839588
Sales tax identification number: DE244554870

D-U-N-SŪ number: 341391843

Information Provider Identification:

Provider for the purpose of TDG / MDStV:
aar-naval ltd., represented by the director Holger Steffen, Schlott 1, D-24876 Hollingstedt

Responsible for the content of this web-site and person in charge in sense of § 6 Abs. 2 MDStV:
Holger Steffen, Schlott 1, D-24876 Hollingstedt