engineering consultants, dealing with sea technology, special pressure vessels, mechanical strength computing and structure construction
Registered at Companies House in Cardiff
Company No. 5569138
United Kingdom
Registered at Amtsgericht Flensburg
Registration No. HRB 5530FL
Tax payer's account number: 2325 02524839588
Sales tax identification number: DE244554870
D-U-N-SŪ number: 341391843
Provider for the purpose of TDG / MDStV:
aar-naval ltd., represented by the director
Holger Steffen, Schlott 1, D-24876 Hollingstedt
Responsible for the content of this web-site and person in charge in sense of § 6 Abs. 2 MDStV:
Holger Steffen, Schlott 1, D-24876 Hollingstedt